Real Estate agency Kaskad Realty has been acting in the sphere of real estate since 2004. It was founded by Vardan Avagyan who has 15 years of working experience in the sphere of real estate and is one of the founders of the National Association of the realtors and appraisers of Armenia. In a short period of time the Real estate agency Kaskad Realty occupied a fitting place in the market of real estate in Armenia and currently it is one of the largest and most experienced Armenian company in business. The activity of the company is licensed and includes all kinds of operations connected with real estate such as purchase, sale, rent / both in residential and in non- residential real estate /apartments, houses, detached houses, lands, cottages, commercial and industrial areas etc/. The Real estate agency Kaskad Realty is a dynamically advancing company. There are high skilled agents, lawyers, builders, architects, developers and designers working for the company and ready to solve your real estate problems with responsiveness. The mainframe factors of our success are: right cultivated policy elaboration and application of new techniques good quality service carefully selected highly skilled personnel

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